topic above has two principal components, the Church and the family. This paper
discussion intends to show the nexus between the family and the Church in God’s
plan for humanity.
has revealed Himself to mankind through His Word. Millions of people have been impacted,
challenged and continued to be blessed by the message contained in the Holy
The Bible contains the inspired Word of God
suitable for teaching, for reproof, conviction of sin, for correction of error
and discipline in obedience and for training in righteousness in holy living,
in conformity with God’s will in thought, purpose and action (2Tim3:16). This God given resource will
therefore be the principal source of this discussion.
family is derived from the Latin word familia and in human context is a group
of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth) affinity (marriage)
or co-residence/shared consumption (Nurtured kinship). Members of the immediate family may include a
spouse, parent, sibling, son, daughter. Members of the extended family may
include grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew and niece.
family is very important in God’s eyes.
He has a special concern and cares for the family institution which He
created for various purposes amongst which are:-
1. For a Man and Woman to love each other
2. That
members of the family may provide for the physical and emotional needs of each
of its members.
3. To
procreate and populate the world.
God’s view, the family is the place where people are schooled and moulded for
life (Jim and Judy Kemp 2012).
the purpose of this talk the closest definition of the Church by Wikipedia is
“a term by which the New Testament writers denote the Society founded by our
Lord, Jesus Christ.” The third century
used the word for the Lord’s house and also to signify a Christian place of
coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ as God with us (Emmanuel) was consistent with
Bible prophecy in which the Messiah was to come and establish His Kingdom.
Christ during His earthly ministry affirmed that the prophecies concerning the
Messiah were fulfilled in Him but that the expected messianic Kingdom is His
Church. A characteristic feature of the
Church in prophecy and in present day reality is its universal extent. The
Gentiles are grafted to the promise of God through Abraham and his descendants and are to yield
allegiance to the Son of David (Eph 1: 11
– 18). All kings are to serve and
obey Him; His dominion is to extend to the ends of the earth (Ps 21: 28, 2: 7 – 12, 116:1, Zach 9:10).
said the Church is the Body of Christ in the present generation (Eph 1:23, Col 1:18).
the above definition of the Church, it is obvious that as a body is made up of
its parts, so the Church is made up of its constituent parts. Membership of the Church is drawn from
individuals who are raised in families situated in homes. In 1Cor
12: 12 – 31, Paul in his letter to the Corinthian Church articulated the
functional dependability of the various component parts of the Church. The Church is made up of various
interconnected and interdependent parts.
However, for these parts to be
useful purposes in the Church, they have to be raised and nurtured in a family
nexus between the family and the Church can be practically seen in the lives of
two Old Testament Families. The families of Amram the husband of Joechebed and
Eli the Priest.
Ex1,2:1-11, 6:20, Num 26:59, Heb 11:23.
The family of Amram is introduced in Exodus 2:1 as a daughter of Levi who
married a man of the house of Levi whose name was Amram. She obviously married her nephew and was both
the wife and aunt of Amram. Ex 6:20 states that Amram married his
father’s sister and lived 137 years. A
peep into the family of Amram however reveals the activities of his wife Joechebed
which can be gleaned from the later life of their children. Miriam, Moses and Aaron (Num 26:59).
The name Joechebed
implies “glory of Jehovah” or “Jehovah is her glory”. This remarkable woman
raised up three godly children who became tall oaks in the plan of God for
1. There
was Moses, who became one of the greatest national leaders and legislators the
world has ever known.
2. There
was Aaron, who became Israel’s first high priest and the founder of the Aaronic
3. There
was Miriam, the gifted poetess and musician, who was intimately associated with
her two brothers in the history of Israel.
How did Joechebed achieve this?
1. She
lived her name. she knew that her name confers on her a responsibility to
ensure that God’s name is glorified in her life, actions and activities.
2. She
knew that God has a purpose and a plan for every child and that God does not
make mistakes.
3. Joechebed
trusted and feared God. She kept her son for three months. Thus she and her
husband were mentioned in Heb 11:23 among
the heroes of faith.
4. She
believed that God is able to overrule circumstances.
5. Her
reverence for God was greater than her fear of man.
Lessons from the
life of Jochebed and Amram is that a family that will raise children to build
the church must:-
Marry right (Ex 2:1)AM
- Do not be unequally yoked 2 Cor. 6:14
2. Choose life (Ex. 2:2) Procreate
3. Must have faith in God (Ex. 2:2, Heb. 11:23)
4. Must protect the family (EX. 2:2) Moses was hidden for 3 months
5. Must plan ahead for the family (Ex. 2:3).
6. Must know the will of God concerning the
7. Must study the word of God together (Ex 2:3).
8. Must pray together (Ex 2:3).
9. Must trust God and believe His promises (Ex 2: 2&3).
When we trust God
and all that we know to do, God will visit and accomplish His purpose in our
family to our amazement.
- Joechebed saw her son live.
- Her son received the best education
- Joechebed influence remained strong
throughout her life
- The
instrument of the fear of pharaoh that he will be overthrown was raised in his own house. (Moses eventually led
the Israelites out of Egypt after a humiliating encounter for Pharaoh that lead
to his death).
Eli was the high
priest of Shiloh, the second to the last Israelite judge succeeded only by
Samuel in 1 Sam. 7:15 before the rule of the Kings. Eli was an Old Testament person who had some very modern
problems. The recognition and respect he earned in public did not extend to his
handling of his family affairs. He was an exhalted high priest, but he was a
poor parent.
His sons brought him grief and ruin and
truncated his lineage from priesthood.
How did Eli fail?
1. He
lacked two very important qualities needed for effective parental discipline –
a firm resolve and corrective action.
2. Eli
was more concerned with the symbols of his religion than with the God he
represented (1Sam4: 17-18). For him, the Ark of the Covenant had become a
relic to be protected rather than a reminder of the protector. His faith has
shifted from the creator to the created.
may be easier to worship things that we see e.g. buildings, people or even
the Bible without realizing that they
have no power of their own. Is the Bible a respected religious relic or the
sharp and effective Word of God?
i. The
Bible acknowledges Eli’s sons as “wicked men who had no regard for God” (1Sam. 2:12).
ii. They
treated the Lord’s offering with contempt. (1
Sam 2:17).Eli’s sons slept with the women who served at the entrance to the
Tent of Meeting.
iii. Eli
heard about these things in 1 Sam 2:23-25. He only offered a feeble rebuke
which went unheeded.
iv. Eli’s sons Hephni and Phinehas were
legitimate priests by birth but lost their life and priesthood to death due to
immorality and irreverence for God.
The lessons of Eli’s family are
1. The family is the environment for
ensuring godly succession
(Mal 2: 15)
2. Parents
cannot be absolved of the consequences of the lives of children.
3. God
holds parents accountable for the lives and lifestyles of their children.
4. Our
inaction or complacency may truncate the place of our family in the plan of
In conclusion, the
family is the building block of the church. A family that raises godly children
will provide veritable instruments who will be tall oaks in the plan of God for mankind, but a family
that raises godless children will not only meet with destruction, but will have
their progression truncated in the plan of God for humanity.
May God grant us the
grace and the ability to raise godly families who are active with him in His
work of salvation, Amen.
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