Monday, December 10, 2012

The Family – The Nucleus Of The Church

 “The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of God shall stand forever”
                – Isa 40:8.
In discussing the family, we must only rely on the OWNER'S MANUAL, The Word of God - The BIBLE.
What is a family?  A family is a union in which the husband and wife are properly married with each living their lives to please God individually and in the union.  A family is a unit where love is experienced, demonstrated and oneness is a watchword thus creating the relationship that exists among the Trinity between men on earth i.e. heaven on earth.
We can peep into God’s plan for the family by reviewing what God said concerning Abraham in Gen 18:19 “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he have promised.”
God’s plan for the world was channeled through Abraham by his obedience and by exemplary conduct in his leadership of his family who are supposed to follow after him in doing what is right and just.  He was to lead by example and thus become a channel for the actualization of God’s purpose in his generation.
The outcome of this character and obedience is that God will then accomplish His purpose for Abraham and through him, God’s purpose for mankind.
The family is therefore a unit of creation put in place to enable God accomplish His purpose on earth’
The Church, being the body of Christ, is therefore an aggregation of family units serving as vehicles for the accomplishment of God’s purpose.

The family is God’s own idea.  It is His provision for the lonely and the deserted, it is his mercy towards the man  He has made for His own pleasure.

Gen 2:18 It is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him.” Thus God created a perfect co-worker for the task he had given Adam. For the accomplishment of the work God has called each of us to do, we also need the support of others and we find them in family relationship. God realized deficiency in Adam and promptly met it in Eve.  In Eve, Adam found the “bone of his bones and the flesh of his flesh.” He also found a partner – Part (owner).
It is in this wise that God demands that a man who cannot take care of his family cannot be a leader in the church. 1Tim3:5. The family is therefore the building block of the Church.
1.      Reward for labours in life and ministry.  Ecl 4:9  When God desires a man to succeed in his life and also in his labours for God, He gives him a wife.  It is a capital investment into his own limited resources in order for him to accomplish God’s call on his life.  The family is the engine room of achieving God’s call upon our lives. It brings the members rewards and favour from the Lord Ps 10:18-22.
2.      Forestalls a fall Ecl4:10  “For if they fall, one will lift up his Companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.”  A man cannot go alone and succeed when he has been impaired by his wife.  When a man’s home is scattered, it is easy for the enemy to walk through his affairs and bring in strange affairs e.g. Delila, Jezebel.  Anointed men of God have fallen flat on their backs or on the laps of strange girls as they walked alone for long periods without their spouses.
3.      A divine blanket against cold Ecl 4:11.  A man that is out to serve God must necessarily dissipate spiritual and physical energy.  The family is the haven he retires back to for comfort, for healing and for replenishment.  He cannot launch out for God without a stable platform to recharge. If the platform is weak his momentum will be low.  If the platform is divided there will be no momentum at all!
4.      An unbreakable cord in spiritual warfare Ecl 4:12.  If the enemy comes and seeks to prevail against one of them  the couple walking in agreement shall withstand him and if two of them shall agree as touching anything on earth, the Lord will be there in their midst and a threefold chord is not quickly broken.  This is a major protection for the man of God against the darts of Satan and his agents as he travels his pilgrim journey.
5.      Co-Signatories of the Heavenly bank 1Pet 3:7; Matt 18:19.  This is one of the greatest divine purpose for the family.  Prayer is the greatest privilege a man has … access to the throne of God.  This privilege is also accomplished with automatic response only for the family setting.  Since a man can receive nothing, except it be given to him from heaven (Jn 3:27), it follows that family setting is the sure way for accomplishing God’s purpose for man.  Whatever resources a man needs for life, ministry, promotion, wisdom etc has been given to him from heaven in a family setting.
6.      The setting for raising godly offspring  Mal 2:15 “You were united to your wife by the Lord.  In God’s wise plan, when you married, the two of you became one person in His sight.  And what does He want?  Godly children from your union.”
God desires godly children for the propagation of the Great Commission.  This can only be possible within the setting of a godly family.  God’s plan for man right from Genesis through Malachi is to utilize the family to bring about the accomplishment of His purpose for Mankind.
A brief review of lessons from family – role-profiles in the Bible
1.      Adam – Fathered Cain and Abel, Cain killed Abel.  Sin can wreck families, fathering goes beyond producing sons and daughters.  Teach them to love and obey God.  Christ says I’m the bread of life Jn 6:35.  Do you give bread to your children? What type of bread are you serving? Do you have a family alter? What is your role in the worship in your home?
2.      Eli – Hoped his children will learn from their mother or just watching him. While setting example is important, we must consciously and explicitly teach our children.  We don’t hear about the failure of Eli’s wife. Professional success is not all.  Love and discipline must go together.
3.      James and John (Mark 10).  Brothers can live in harmony. They were in business with their father Zebede, they left to follow Jesus together, they asked for seats in heaven together. Compare Cain and Abel, Rachel and Leah, Jacob and Esau.  Teach kids to love each other. Disharmony delays or even thwarts our accomplishment of God’s purpose for us.

4.      Jochebed Exodus 2 – Went to extraordinary lengths to protect her baby.  She drew courage from God. She made sacrifices.  We must balance prayer and faith with action. She mothered, Moses, Aaron and Miriam; all successful and godly children who served God in their generation.  You can lead all your children to love and serve God.
5.      Paul (Acts 9 – 25).  God calls some people to stay single. Never pressure kids into marriage.  Pray for God’s leading.  Being single has its advantages.  Paul probably struggled with loneliness but did not complain.  A single man can still accomplish God’s purpose for him.
The Children are the adults of the future. The Elders of tomorrow are in the
Sunday School today.  If they are not given the bread of life today in the home and
in the Church how can they be available to play their roles tomorrow?
The environment for nurturing and replenishing the Church is the family.  The family is therefore the building block of the Church.
The Family is a creation of God, at His instance for His purpose and to do His
will as an integral aspect of His body – THE CHURCH.
God has put the family in place as sample of Heavenly relationship and to give man his reward with favours from above.
The family under God is a bulwark to forestall a fall and provide a divine protection from cold.  It serves as the unit of the Church where Spiritual battles are won and lost depending on our obedience and walk with God. May the Lord grant us the grace to arise as MEN and lead our families on the path of righteousness doing the will of God in the CHURCH.  Jochebed did it, the Zebedees did it, you can do IT!

Elder Samson Opaluwah
21st February, 2012

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