Thursday, November 7, 2013


In the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I welcome everyone here present at this very important ceremony – the 49th Convocation programme of this great Institution, ETSI.  Please permit me to specially welcome the leadership of the ECWA – the President, Rev. (Dr.) Jeremiah Gado, the ECWA General Secretary, who happens to be our Guest Speaker today, Rev. (Prof.) Samuel Kunhiyop, and all members of their team.

2.       It gives me a great pleasure to on behalf of Board of Governors of ETSI, give this address which I can appropriately call my inaugural address to this august assembly as the new Chairman.

3.       I however can’t afford to continue with this address without first and foremost acknowledging the great work of the immediate past Board of Governors under the most enviable leadership of Prof. Luke Dayo Edungbola.  This is a team that has aptly left its mark on the solid sand of progress in this Institution.  I invite this assembly to please rise and applaud God for the excellent administrative and advisory work this enviable team  had done. May the good Lord reward you for all your labour.

4.       Let me also acknowledge the current hard working management team of the Institution under the visionary leadership of Prof. Julius Lawal, the Provost.  It certainly won’t be an overstatement to assert that this team has, within the last one year, given the Institution a face-lift that beats human imagination.  The development, spiritual and physical, are all there for us to see.  This team also deserves our applause.  So also do the Academic, Faculty and indeed all members of staff deserve commendation for their commitment and zeal to serve.

5.       Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I don’t intend to bore you with the background history of ETSI.  The man who knows it better, the Provost, has already adequately done that.  He has also presented to us a comprehensive update on the academic achievements and the Institution’s future plans to further strengthen this area, especially the efforts to add the NCE programme and courses for the award of PhD to the existing curriculum.  Not the least, I congratulate the 250 students that are graduating today.  They are in this order: 3 each from the Women Bible School and Certificate in Pastoral Studies Class; 12 will be awarded certificate in Theology; 10 Diploma in Pastoral Studies while 17 are graduating with Diploma in Theology.  For the Bachelor of Arts Degrees we have 32 in Christian Education, 38 in Pastoral Studies, 24 in Theology, and 10 in Missions.  At the Master of Arts level, we have 8 graduands in Divinity; 12 in Christian Education, 6 in Missions and Evangelism, 2 in Theology (Old Testament), 1 in Systematic Theology, and 14 in Theological Studies.

6.       For us at ETSI, it is not only the achievement of milestones worthy of recognition that excites us but we are more excited at the prospect of God using us to meet the desire of our Lord Jesus Christ as in Matthew 9: 37 – 38 to send more labourers forth into the field for the harvest is plenteous. If labourers were few at that time and the harvest plenteous, the need for labourers in this generation cannot be over-emphasized.

7.       Our joy on this occasion is not only that these gradaunds have successfully passed through the walls of the Seminary but that God has given us the privilege of joining Him to equip these arrows in His quiver for the harvest of souls into His Kingdom.

8.       For the graduands I say CONGRATULATIONS!  Today you have stepped into a significant milestone in your life’s journey. Having been with us for a specified period and acquitting yourselves creditably in our prescribed programmes, you are today considered worthy of bearing the stamp of authority that this Seminary confers.  Congratulations! My charge to you as directed by the angel of the Lord in Acts 5 vs 20 is to “Go, take your stand in the temple courts and declare to the people the whole doctrine concerning this Life (the eternal life which Christ revealed) AMB.  We have given you the doctrine of Life .  Go and pronounce it in the temple courts.

9.       My dear graduands, as I, on behalf of the Board and Management of ETSI congratulate you and your families on this memorable  occasion, let me hasten to add that with your qualification comes a concomitant responsibility to be good and faithful ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Church and finally ETSI.  As we release you today, LET THE BEAUTY OF JESUS BE SEEN IN YOU ALWAYS. You are our epistle to the WORLD and our God who is able to do immeasurably beyond that which we can ever think, ask or imagine will be with you and give you a good success. Amen.

10.     Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, furtherance of this vision of the present board and management to make ETSI first among its equals spiritually and academically, I have, at this juncture to make my special appeal to you, our dear guests, to please massively come to our aid.  The Provost has, again, painstakingly itemized the needs of the Seminary yearning for immediate attention. They include tarring of the Seminary road from the town’s main road, fencing of the entire Seminary land to ward off un-invited elements and stop incursions on the land; and more hostel accommodation for the students, many of whom currently live off campus. These challenges, I agree, are monumental, but I am convinced that with the Lord on our side, they are surmountable.  To kick-start the process of meeting these challenges headlong, I hereby on behalf of the Board of Governors donate the sum  of one million (N1m).  Finally, as we leave this place, let the need to contribute to the work of  God in ETSI be  a constant reminder in our thoughts.  We need your prayers and your financial support.

11.     Thank you for all you have done so far, and thank you for what you will now resolve to do. As we depart from here, I commend us all to the loving hands of our Lord Jesus Christ for journey mercies back to our various destinations.

12.     Thank you and may God bless you ALL.

Elder(Dr)  Samson A. Opaluwah, PhD,fnse,fniob, fnice


Board of Governors.


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